Thursday, February 25, 2010

Heart of the Mekong

Today, we finally got off the beaten track (aka off the highway) and unto the backroads (Lins you would be proud). We were on the ferry just before 6:30 and watched the sun rise - a lovely setting and a 5 cent mode of transportation.

It has definitly been the best day thus far and the longest - 95 km. Luckily it is flat as a pancake here in the delta. Think lush forests, green rice paddies, kids waving and no traffic (thankfully).

But, I am getting ahead of myself.

Yesterday we landed in Can Tho - which is the capital of the area. It is a raging metropolis but has a beautiful riverfront area that is the gathering place for tourists and locals. The Mekong is huge - remeniscent of the Fraser.

Following the lonley planet guide, I convinced Rob we should experience a Southeast Asian massage. He was skeptical. It was rather rough and though I thoroughly enjoyed it, Rob admitted he felt a wee bit violated. At 2 bucks for 45 minutes, it is a steal none-the-less.

We finished the day with dinner on a terrace over looking the water. A rather expensive dinner at around 10 buck for 3 x 1 litre beers, pork served in a traditional clay pot and shrimp with mango. After helping our waitress with her homework (she is studying English at the Can Tho University), we were in bed by 9.-

We needed a good night sleep for today's long voyage. But, we made it- happily showered and in the usual routine of inhaling calories in the form of beer and chips...not a distant cry from Friday nights at Mike's pub. Miss you all...

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