Sunday, February 21, 2010

Good Morning Vietnam!

GOOD MORNING VIETNAM! We made it. Holy crapola. That's a loooong flight. 11 hrs Vancouver to Soeul (S. Korea), 2-hr stopover,then 5 hrs to Saigon (Ho Chi Minh City, but everyone seems to still call it Saigon). But I must say, Korean Air comes highly recommended. Great service, no glitches.

Ah yes, this is one of the times I look forward to the most on a trip. All the prep and stresses of planning, packing, and getting to the airport on time, and wondering if all the gear is going to make it in one piece. The moment when you finally have all your stuff in one pile, in your and sweaty, but ready for action. The whole trip is ahead of us. We're in chill mode for today. Just gonna relax and deal with the 17 hours or so time difference. I'm not exactly sure, but it's the next day or something like that (i.e., as you read this in Canada, we're a day ahead of you....weird time warp stuff). We're toying with the idea of putting the bikes together and heading out tomorrow...we'll see. For now, just enjoying some Vietnamize coffee and bagette, and enjoying the view of Saigon from the huge open window of our top-floor room (photo).


  1. Hey Amy!!! What an exciting trip!!! I can't wait to see all the pics, and hear the stories!!

  2. Happy to hear all your "stuff" made it. Looks like the netbook is holding up to :) Looking forward to read the play by play's...

