Saturday, March 13, 2010

Hoi An

So far, Hoi An has been our longest stop...for a variety of reasons. Firstly, the town is a Unesco World Heritage Site (it was not bombed during the war). Secondly, it is bursting with tailor shops that are impossible to shy away from and thirdly, our romantic dinner overlooking the perfume river the night we got here unfortunately gave Rob food poisoning (resulting in a night of projectile vomiting) - the man with the iron guts seems to be having some issues here in Vietnam ;)

So, as Rob recovered in bed yesterday, I had a great morning strolling through the old colonial streets being hassled by the Vietnamese trying to woo me into their shops. One woman's persistence had me sitting in the market getting my chin hair removed by threading - a truly amazing thing that Nelson needs.

After sharing a passion fruit with her, she took to me to "the best tailors and cobblers"in Hoi An. Their charming ways were too much for me to pass up and by the time I returned back to the hotel, I had decided on my wedding dress. A silk dress tailored for me for $35!

Rob agreed it was a good gamble even if the dress turns out to be crap... he was so amazed that he suggested we go get him a shirt made. After being measured up for a linen shirt and cotton shorts, we pretty much have our wedding attire ready to go for a grand total of $60. We pick them up today at 5:00 so we'll let you know the outcome.

Today we are off to a cooking class. Rob is feeling better so tomorrow we are back on the bikes and heading for China beach!

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