Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Motorcycle madness

Woke up this morning to driving rain and palm trees straining and swaying in the tropical winds. No riding today. To make up some time and distance we're taking advantage of the train station that seemed to be inside our room last night (i.e., very loud), and we're jumping on the train and heading up the coast a bit. No beaches for a few hundred kms, so hey, it would just be a slog in the rain through the middle of nowhere...which doesn't make a lot of sense. Right now we're sitting in a wi-fi cafe in downtown Tuy Hoa waiting for the train to leave.

Thought I would post a few pics and words about the motorbikes here. Basically, a motorbike is to a Vietnamese person what a car is to us. They're actually just glorified scooters (Honda 100), but absolutely everyone has one. It's the family car of Vietnam. Cars are scarce. Hardly any cars around. It's all about the motorbikes. It's actually awesome. Once you see past the chaos of about 20 lanes of traffic, and trying to cross the street, you realize it's very efficient. Lots of room for everyone, no need for parking spots (everyone just parks on the sidewalk like you would a bicycle). In fact, a car would be a liability here. The beauty for us is that on our bikes we fit right in. We're just part of the action and everyone gives us the same room they give themselves and everyone else. On the highway, we actually get the same space as anyone else. It's fantastic cycling. My theory is that it's always been a cycling culture, and the motorbikes are just upgrades from the bicycles they used to have.

It's a bit horrifying the first time you see it, but they just stack the whole family on the bike and head down the highway at full speed. Mom, dad, and the two kids....no problem. But hey, seems to work for them. The helmets are hilarious. Basically just skateboarding lids. If anyone actually collided with something, the whole family would be toast. So far we haven't seen any major carnage...hopefully we won't.


  1. this blog is absolutely great... it's almost like we are on this wonderful adventure with you.....have fun & keep it coming....

  2. you guys are brave to be riding your own motorbikes! have a great and safe trip!
